Non GMO Feeds
All Stock
Feed | Description | Item ID |
All Stock High Fat – 12% Pellet @ 11/64” | A general, all-purpose feed for cattle, goats, and horses. Do not feed to sheep. This feed contains copper and can be harmful to sheep. | 14ASHI12@ |
Turkey Feeds
Feed | Description | Item ID |
Turkey Starter 26% Crumble Non-GMO (0-8 wks) | Our high protein turkey starter is specially formulated for young poults. This feed is high in protein, vitamins, and minerals to meet the turkey’s specific high nutrient requirements. This is the only stock turkey starter feed we make, meaning we do not make corn and soy free turkey starter. Turkeys do not perform well on a corn and soy free turkey starter. Poor performance is shown in high death rates and inconsistent growth. | 12TKST@CR |
Turkey Grower 22% Pellet @ 11/64” Non-GMO (8-12 wks) | Our turkey grower formulated to support the continual growth of turkeys. This turkey grower is lower in protein than our turkey starter to support the development of turkeys. | 12TKGR@ |
Turkey Finisher 18% Pellet @ 11/64” Non-GMO (12 wks to processing) | This is the last phase of our turkey growing program. It’s lower in protein and higher in energy to help with fleshing of the bird. | 12TKFI@ |
Feed | Description | Item ID |
Layer 20% Summer Pellet @ 11/64″ Non-GMO | The summer layer is a high protein layer feed, which is best when temperature and humidity is high. During high temperatures, hens will eat less feed but still need the same amount of protein to maintain lay rate. This high protein summer layer feed helps support production during high temperatures. Available from May 1 to September 30. | 12LA%@ |
Layer 17% Pellet @ 11/64″ Non-GMO | Our winter layer pellet is perfect for cooler months. When temperatures decrease, a hen’s feed consumption increases because she is eating to meet her energy requirements. In cooler temperatures, her energy requirements are higher. We adjust the protein to energy ratio in our winter layer to compensate for the change in feed consumption and energy requirements of the hen. Available from October 1 to April 30 | 12LA@ |
Layer Summer 19% Corn & Soy Free Pellet @ 11/64″ Non-GMO | Our Corn and Soy Free Summer Layer. The summer layer is a high protein layer feed, which is best when temperature and humidity is high. During high temperatures, hens will eat less feed but still need the same amount of protein to maintain lay rate. This high protein summer layer feed helps support production during high temperatures. Available from May 1 to September 30 | 12LA.CSF%@ |
Layer 17% Corn & Soy Free Pellet @ 11/64″ Non-GMO | Our Corn and Soy Free Winter Layer. Our winter layer pellet is perfect for cooler months. When temperatures decrease, a hen’s feed consumption increases because she is eating to meet her energy requirements. In cooler temperatures, her energy requirements are higher. We adjust the protein to energy ratio in our winter layer to compensate for the change in feed consumption and energy requirements of the hen. Available from October 1 to April 30 | 12LA.CSF@ |
Chick Starter 21% Crumble @ 11/64” Non-GMO | This is a high protein feed formulated for chicks to support the fast growth and development of chicks. The feed is crumbled so that the size is small enough for baby chicks. | 12BRST@CR |
Chick Grower 19% Medium Crumble Non-GMO | This feed is for meat chickens during the growing phase. It’s lower in protein than the starter feed and is formulated for additional growth support. Broilers can either finish on this grower feed or switch to a finisher feed at 5 weeks. | 12BRGR@MCR |
Chick Finisher 17% Pellet @ 11/64” Non-GMO | A lower protein for feed for the finishing phase of the broiler’s life. This feed supports fleshing out the bird while maintaining the fast growth of the finishing phase. Processing at 7 weeks for a 4.5 lb. carcass weight for Cornish cross. | 12BRFI@ |
Chick Starter 21% Corn & Soy Free Crumble Non-GMO | For those who do not want to feed corn and soy to their chickens. Corn and soy free broiler starter feed. This is a high protein feed formulated for chicks. It is crumbled so that the size is small enough for baby chicks. | 12BRST.CSF@CR |
Chick Grower 19% Corn & Soy Free Medium Crumble Non-GMO | For those who do not want to feed corn and soy to their chickens. Corn and soy free broiler grower feed. This is a feed formulated for chicks in the growing stage. The average feed intake for corn and soy free feeds is typically higher and it takes longer for these birds to reach a 4.5 lb. carcass weight. Customers can either finish their chicks on this grower feed or switch to a finisher feed at 6 weeks. | 12BRGR.CSF@MCR |
Chick Finisher 17% Corn & Soy Free Pellet @ 11/64” Non-GMO | For those who do not want to feed corn and soy to their chickens. Corn and soy free broiler finisher feed. This is a feed formulated for chicks in the growing stage. It is crumbled so that the size is small enough for chickens in the last stage of their grow-out. The average feed intake for corn and soy free feeds is typically higher and it takes longer for these birds to reach a 4.5 lb. carcass weight. Customers can either finish their chicks on this grower feed or switch to a finisher feed at 6 weeks. | 12BRFI.CSF@ |
Chicken Scratch 12% Non-GMO Textured | A combination of Barley, Corn, Wheat, and Oats. This is not a complete feed. | 12LASC5@T |
Feed | Description | Item ID |
Sheep Grower 16% Pellet @ 11/64” Non-GMO | A grain mix for sheep. This can be fed to sheep at all stages of life. | 11SHGR@ |
Swine Feeds
Feed | Description | Item ID |
Swine Grower 16% 1/2” Cube Non-GMO | A great corn and soy-based pig grower feed. Offer this feed free choice to your pigs. On this program, estimated average daily gain during this period 1.82 lbs. (8 weeks to 4 mo) | 13FEGR@50 |
Swine Finisher 14% 1/2” Cube Non-GMO | A corn and soy-based swine feed. We have corn, soybean meal, and barley added to these feeds. On this program, estimated average daily gain during this period is 1.94 lbs. (4 mo to processing) | 13FEFI@50 |
Swine Grower 16% Corn & Soy Free 1/2” Cube Non-GMO | A great, corn and soy free pig grower feed. This is a 1⁄2 in cube. We also offer the corn and soy free swine grower in a pelleted feed. (8 wks to 4 mo) | 13FEGR.CSF@50 |
Swine Finisher 14% Corn & Soy Free 1/2” Cube Non-GMO | Our corn & soy free swine finisher. This feed comes in a 1⁄2 in cube. (4 months to processing) | 13FEFI.CSF@50 |
Sow Gestation/Lactation 16% 1/2” Cube Non-GMO | Our corn and soy-based feed for pregnant and lactating sows. It is higher vitamin and mineral levels to support pregnant sows and fetus development. This is a great feed for lactating sows as help support lactation. | 13SOLC@50 |
Sow Gestation/Lactation 16% Corn & Soy Free 1/2” Cube Non-GMO | Our corn & Soy Free sow feed. This can be fed to pregnant and lactating sows. Higher vitamin and mineral levels to support pregnant sows and fetus development. This is a great feed for lactating sows as help support lactation. | 13SOLC.CSF@50 |
Feed | Description | Item ID |
Rabbit Grower 16% Pellet @ 1/8” Non-GMO | Our specially formulated, non-GMO rabbit feed. This is a great feed to offer to your rabbits. It works well for both growing rabbits and does. Give this feed in addition to free choice hay. Always provide plenty of fresh, clean drinking water. | 12RAGR@125 |
Feed | Description | Item ID |
Grassfed Beef & Dairy Protein/Forage Supplement V3 Non-GMO @ 1/2″ Cube | This is a protein supplement with added minerals that is often fed to grassfed beef or dairy. Feed this protein supplement in addition to forages. It brings in additional protein when forages are not good quality. The ingredients in this product are technically allowed in the grassfed standards. This product has Cinnagar added with helps with rumen efficiency and feed utilization. | 11BFGFV3@50 |
Beef Developer 13% Pellets | This is a GMO feed produced by a 3rd party feed mill. | [email protected] |
Beef Breeder 20% Cubes @ 1/2” Non-GMO | Feed this grain mix in addition to forages. The Beef Breeder Cube is higher in vitamins and minerals to help support fetal development and health. This is similar to a range cube. This feed has Cinnagar added to help with rumen efficiency and feed utilization. | 11BFBE20@50 |
Dairy Lactation 16% Pellet @ 11/64” Non-GMO | A feed specifically formulated for lactating dairy cows. Feed in addition to forages. The fiber levels in this feed are low. | 11DALC@ |
Beef Grower 15% Pellet @ 11/64″ Non-GMO | Our Non-GMO beef grower pellets are designed to provide a balanced diet for beef cattle, ensuring consistent growth and feed efficiency. This non-GMO feed has 15% protein to support muscle development, added fiber to help rumen function, and is fortified with trace minerals and vitamins to support overall herd health. | 11BFGF@ |
Product Description | Item ID |
Alfalfa Meal Non-GMO | 21ALM |
Alfalfa Pellets Non-GMO | 21AL@ |
Barley* | 21BA |
Corn Non-GMO (Whole, Cracked, Ground) | 21CN |
Milo* | 21MI |
Oats* | 21OA |
Wheat* | 21WH |
Canola Meal Non-GMO (Expeller Pressed) | 22CAM |
Roasted Soybeans Non-GMO | 21SBRO |
Soybean Meal Non-GMO (Expeller Pressed) | 22SBM |
Sesame Meal* (Expeller Pressed) | 22SEM |
Field Peas* | 21PY |
Fish Meal | 21FM |
Rice Hulls for Bedding | 21RH-TS |
Feed | Description | Item ID |
Goat Show 18% (Medicated) Pellet @ 11/64” | This is not a non-GMO feed. A medicated goat feed that works great for growing goats. This feed has Rumensin added, which is a coccidiostat. Rumensin is toxic to horses, so keep away from horses. | 11GTSH.R@ |
Dairy Goat 18% Corn & Soybean Free Non-GMO Pellet @ 11/64” | A corn and soy free, high protein dairy goat feed to support milk production. This feed is low in fiber, so it’s important to offer good quality hay and forage in addition to grain mix. | 11GTDA.CSF@ |
Dog Food
Feed | Description | Item ID |
B&G Ol’ Blue High Energy 21% Protein 18% Fat High Energy Dog Food (Green Bag) | Best suited to this variety are dogs at or under their ideal weight in a moderate to heavy work (exercise) load. These dogs are typically outdoors at least 50% of the time and are over 1.5 years of age. The caloric density of fat (2.25x carbohydrates) mean’s they’re able to consume less and sustain energy for heavy activity over a long duration (i.e. rabbit, hog, or raccoon hunting dogs). | 61BG2118HE |
B&G Ol’ Blue Maintenance 21% Protein 9% Fat Dog Food – Maintenance | Best suited to this variety are dogs at (or above) their ideal weight and under a low to moderate work (exercise) load. These dogs typically live indoors at least 50% of the time and are over 1.5 years of age. | 61BG2109MA |
B&G Ol’ Blue All- Natural 24% Protein 16% Fat All-Natural Dog Food | Best Suited for dogs with corn allergies or sensitivity immediately. It nourishes dogs from tiny chihuahuas to great big danes, and is the most economical local option for corn, wheat, and soy free pet food in the southeast. | 61BG2416NA |
B&G Ol’ Blue Builder 27% Protein 18% Fat Dog Food – Builder | Best suited for working dogs to help achieve their performance goals. | 61BG2718BU |
All feeds available in 50 lb. bags, 1,000 lb. totes, 2,000 lb. totes, auger truck, or loose (bring your own barrel)